Thursday, November 24, 2011

I'm now an Atkiners...

Alhamdullilah...akhirnya alya berjaya jugak mulakan atkins diet with clean start..after such a long time about 2 years now on...alya mencari-cari diet apa yang sesuai dengan alya..akhirnya berjodoh dengan atkins diet..yes!!! now i'm the ATKINERS...i'm really proud to say that...

Berat badan sebelum ini...actually zaman2 anak dara is about 56kg..tu dah kurus gila..smua ckp knp tinggal tulang je..hehhe..btw thats not my ideal weight pon...then sebelum menikah naik jadi 60kg paling banyak,,myb hepi giler kot waktu couple..asyik gi makan je..pegi try restoran sana..sini..xingat dunia..coz i'm a person that really..really eat..pantang dengar ada tempat makan sedap mesti kitorg akan pegi terjah..huhuhu..myb belum terasa lagi waktu tu coz ada pegi exercise jugak..not routinely... but i've it 2 times a, squash,swim...n so on...but after dah nikah..then tak lama pastu trus pregnant...all d activity stop drastically...with 60kg..i gain about 13 kg on pregnancy in weight is 73kg..that's the heaviest weight of mine...hohoho

After delivered by SVD on Nov 2009...syukur smua selamat dapat baby girl dengan berat weight jd 68kg..hehe..sikit je turun kan? Alya x berpantang apalagi makan makanan orang berpantang..kalo xsalah about 1 weeks je alya berpantang itupun sebab ada mak sedara n mama yang take care lepas bersalin..alya pun xbreastfeed jugak due to some reason..back to Indo continue study..then starting my sedentary gets so buzier day by day..breakfast sure xamik coz xsempat..lunch dah lapar giler...pulun je apa yang ada sepuasnya..diner plak slalu makan after 9pm...*tragis...*

Time pass away really fast..sedar xsedar dah rasa giler kenapa badan xseaktif dulu..asyik ngantuk, lemah, letih, lesu je, dah sedar yang diri ini dah makin gemuk...then Feb 2011..i try one product yang claim berkesan untuk kurus..harga bukan main mahal..i bought 3pac about RM450++...adala jugak turun sikit..tapi lepas tu susah nk dpt product tu kt Indo so stop it..lepas berenti minum that J*..berat xturun2 makin naik adalah..huhu..sedih and susah nak kurus sebenarnya...then alya try diet xmakan nasi selama sebulan,penah try atkins jugak pastu tapi belum cukup ilmu selalu kantoi, xmenjadi..berat jadi 65kg..then maintain mcm gitu je..YoYo...jap naik jap turun..turun pun sikit je..2 3 hari pastu naik blik..sedih sangat...

After a long hiatus of diet..i keep studying from our atkiners' blog yang dah berjaya, wonders how they can make it but i didn't...Finally here, in this time..for this time..i deeply know about this diet very well...thanks for them...NOW I'M ONE OF THE ATKINERS...

Here..My Target:
1. My Weight Target : 55kg within a month...(need to lose 10 kg)..start: 22 Nov 2011
2. Nak pakai kebaya utk Wisuda in April 2012 (Graduation of Med's School)
3. Want to stay healthy and slim (Have a futsal match between our family members after return M'sia for good)
4. Want my hubby proud of me eventhough he never mention how fat i was today...(he always support me in whatever diet i'm doing)..i know he sees me trying so hard to get rid all the fatty waste from my body...and deep in his heart i know he dreams of his wife got shape and slim...hehehe...

Yup..!!..this is what i in love with the triple #3S words..being an Atkiners u'll becomes sweet & sexy futhermore its all base on science evidence that suite most my field and every single things this diet said...make sense with no doubt..*at least this my opinion okay..*

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