Friday, November 25, 2011

Day #4 Menu

Good News today...bangun pagi-pagi after gi toilet trus timbang..a big WOOWWWW!!!!..berat alya dah jadi 61.2 from 1st day start until 4th day dah turun about 4.1 kg..macam xpercaya je..terharu pun ada..sebelum ni xpenah pun macam ni..i feel more energetic day by day after doing become an atkiners with obesity for bright future...

Ni menu hari ini..

Breakfast: 2 biji telur goreng + white pepper

Lunch: Ayam goreng + 1 tomato + sayur kailan tumis

HighTea: 1 cup of nescafe

After solat asar..sebelum masak utk dinner teringin timbang lagi..hehe..actually kalo dah on diet jangan heran kalo kita akan addicted to weight ourself  every single of time...hahahha...hasilnya..makin xpercaya...tapi Alhamdullilah...60.6kg...wahhh..turun lagi...

then dinner juz makan ni je...

Dinner: Ayam goreng + Fried tomato cherry + Bawang digoreng

Syukur today berjaya in atkins track...hope so besok and seterusnya pun sama...InsyaAllah..will update soon..


  1. Wahhh bagusla wat camni..detail menu..haha.leh bejaya camni..good luckkk. eh nescafe letak gula??

  2. @bicikut: bici..alya letak gula Equal total carb juz 1g je.. ada dlm menu day#3 tu..bleh ke?coz rasa mual la juz minum air masak je..badan akan detect gak ke?
